Determining the Value of Social Business ROI:
Myths, Facts, and Potentially High Returns
Co-authored with Dr. Natalie Petouhoff and IDC, this free and insightful paper explores the criteria for validating enterprise social software purchases and social business transformation through return-on-investment (ROI) measurement.
When determining the ROI on social business initiatives, the rules of business still remain regardless if a company applies social business initiatives to assist customer service, marketing, public relations, product innovation, employee collaboration, or other functional areas of the organization.
Business executives need to understand not only the traditional metrics and value calculations of ROI, but also the impact that social business initiatives have on these computations and their interrelatedness. It is rare that organizations know how to calculate ROI for traditional company projects; the addition of social business initiatives adds another twist, making it seem difficult to calculate social business ROI, but in reality it is possible.
Who should read this paper
Anyone wanting to gain a general understanding of the value of social business programs.
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