Business strategy should always lead technology

There are ongoing discussions ablaze concerning how to label social media technology solutions.  Should they be called Social CRM or Social Business solutions or what have you.

It’s beneficial to decide on labels so we can all speak a common language so the discussion is important.

However, the focus on the technology is also a cart before the horse phenomena.

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4 factors leading to collaboration success

Cynthina Heinsohn, my partner, and I collaborate with each other to manage our business and advance our projects. For the latter, we also collaborate with clients to meet their business objectives and with external partners in various capacities.

We’re like everyone else when it comes to collaboration.  Sometimes we hit the mark and others we fall short.  We’ve learned successful collaboration can be encapsulated by a simple formula:

Collaboration = Connection + Communication + Cooperation + Integration

The challenge is finding pathways to collaboration. 

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How Intellicore Design Consulting helps companies strategize & implement social media

Navigating through the social media world can be challenging, especially for companies new to these channels.

Part of the challenge is the breath of social media.  To do it right, companies need to consider the both user needs and business needs.

Bridging user and business needs is our speciality and that's why we can help you.

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4 in 5 adults participate in social media -- Companies need Social Media Strategy

Think social media doesn't have an impact on your company?  Think again.  And yes, that's true even if your business is B2B.

Forrester just published its third annual Social Technographics Profile.  Some of the highlights can be found on the Groundswell website or you can purchase the full report from Forrester, entitled "The Broad Reach of Social Technologies.” The company gathered and analyzed data from across North America, Europe, and Asia.

A few of the stats that popped out at me are these:

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Website site architecture considerations for SEO

So much gets written about SEO in terms of content it’s easy to overlook the other half of the optimization equation.  That would be site architecture – or the behind the scenes contribution to the SEO challenge.

Let’s look at three contributors to site architecture – headers, page layouts, and navigation -- and how to use them to your benefit.

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Buying patterns shaped by how well companies interact with customer

Let’s be real.  Buyers today are just as demanding as those in the past.  What’s different today is they have access to a lot more information about companies and their products from a variety of sources.  That information empowers buyers and stimulates them to be much more forthright with their demands in partnering with the companies they buy from.

We hear a lot today about social media and it’s for good reason. Participation in social media channels is exploding.  That said, though, buyers still turn to corporate websites for information.

Makes it easy for your prospects and customers to find the information they need.  Let’s talk about how website information architecture can help you do just that.

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Intellicore Design offers Enterprise Information Architecture & Development services

We’ve long said it.  Intellicore Design Consultants are business strategists first and foremost with an IT specialization.

We decided to create better alignment between our one of our key market differentiators and our service offerings.  That’s why we’re pleased to offer an array of strategic services focused on Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA).

Additionally, another unsung strength of ours – until now – is our conceptual software development capabilities.  In revamping our service offerings, we’ve added Conceptual Software Development to the slate.

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How to calculate the ROI on collaboration software – Building the business case

One of the big questions on social media software solutions is ROI.  The general thought is it’s hard to determine.  I disagree.

Just so we’re on the same page, by collaborative software I’m thinking of feature functionality like wikis, file sharing, and discussions.

What you want for a return on any business investment is either revenue generation or cost savings. 


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